Course 11: Activity 2: Share Your Thoughts


Course 11

Integration of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Assessment


Activity 2: Share Your Thoughts

How does ICT support your Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education? Take a moment to reflect? Share your thoughts.


  1. ICT support teaching and learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson since they have potential to increase students motivation, connect students to many information sources etc

  2. ICT support teaching and learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson

  3. ICT support teaching and learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of School education as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson learning and improve their ability to concentrate in their lesson.

  4. Implementation of ICT into FLN perceived from different perceptions which can be Macro-at the National level, Meso-at the regional level and Micro which is at the level of the actual class room where teaching learning takes place. It
    1 develops opportunities for developing inquiry, exploration and increase motivation and interest.
    2 nurture creativity
    3 enables to play various roles like learner, instructor, collaborator, etc
    4 support self learning and independent thinking
    5 increases access, participation and and equal opportunity for all
    6 sustain lifelong learning, skill formations

  5. ICT helps in accessing and gathering a lot of information about various aspects of life even before they go to school and learn. The nature of children is being increasingly shaped by Information and Communication Technologies.
    During the pandemic ICT has been a boon for the education system. We could continue teaching and learning due to the technology. We have used the ICT to conduct class online, connect the children through whatsapp and other ICT mediums. We gave assignments and monitored the learning progress through the online assessment using ICTs.
    Videos on the topics can be use to teach and help them experience and learn more profoundly and perceptively since pictorial learning has more lasting impression in the minds of he children.
    Learning module can be developed and used to help the children access the learning materials so that they can learn anytime. Activities and workbook can be integrated in the module to help them practice and learn.

  6. The creative use of ICT can improve children's thinking skills and encourage them to become independent,self motivated and flexible learner's.

  7. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how student are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspect of supporting learning.
    ICT resources not only provide the tools for promoting and developing these skill but also encourages them to engage confidently in imaginative learning and make teaching and learning more effective and fun for everyone involved.

  8. The process of implementation of ICT at the foundational level and preparatory stage may be micro at national level, me so at the regional level and micro which is at the level of actual classroom where teaching learning take place.
    ICT can help teacher assess their student 's learning as well as their performance in the classroom by storing and recording information about how the students are developing understanding of new material and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students.

  9. ICT support teaching and learning assessment at the foundational stage of school education.

  10. The use of ICT in teaching and learning process is very helpful as it help in engaging and gaining the attention of students and give them insight knowledge to students which can be seen and observe making their learning activities more enjoyable and thus help in learning.

  11. ICT can help us high standard assessment in foundational and preparatory level because it can show them concrete vision to them as a result their response will be positive and correct. It will enhance teaching learning assessment

  12. ICT in education is the processing of information and its communications facilities and features that variously support teaching, learning and a range of activities in education.

    ICTs have the potential to accelerate, enrich, and deepen skills, to motivate and engage students, to help relate school experience to work practices, create economy viability for tomorrow’s workers as well as strengthening teaching-learning process.

    The integration of information and communication technologies can help revitalize teachers and students. This can help to improve and develop the quality of education by providing curricular support in difficult subject areas.

  13. ICT support Teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  14. ICT support teaching and learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson since they have potential to increase students motivation, connect students to many information sources

  15. For effective learning adio visual and smart phone, smart class etc must be used for easy and better understanding.

  16. ICT is an effective tool to transmit and gather knowledge in this technology age. Through internet/phone children benefitted educational learnings of different areas.

  17. ICT support teaching and learning assessment by making learning more interactive and engaging.

  18. The use of ICTs as presentation tools (through overhead and LCD projectors, television, electronic whiteboards, guided "web-tours", where students simultaneously view the same resources on computer screens) is seen to be of mixed effectiveness. While it may promote class understanding of and discussion about difficult concepts (especially through the display of simulations), such uses of ICTs can re-enforce traditional pedagogical practices and divert focus from the content of what is being discussed or displayed to the tool being utilized.
    The way ICT is used in lessons is influenced by teacher knowledge about their subjects, and how ICT resources can be utilized and related to it. The evidence shows that when teachers use their knowledge of both the subject and the way pupils understood the subject; their use of ICT has a more direct effect on student achievement. As the introduction of ICTs to aid education is often part of a larger change or reform process, it is vital that successful uses of ICTs are promoted and disseminated.

  19. ICT helps to facilitate teaching -learning assesment at the foundational stage by making it more systematic and time saving.

  20. ICT resources not only provide the tools for promoting and developing these skills but also encourages children to engage confidently in imaginative learning and makes teaching and learning more effective and fun for everyone involved. ... Meaning students and teachers can continue to work and access resources even from home

  21. ICT helps teaching learning assesment at the foundational stage and prepatory for school education

  22. ICT greatly helps or supports our Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education. ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson since they have potential to increase students motivation, connect students to many information sources,etc. During the pandemic ICT has been a boon for the education system. We could continue teaching and learning due to the technology. We have used the ICT to conduct class online, connect the children through whatsapp and other ICT mediums. We gave assignments and monitored the learning progress through the online assessment using ICTs.
    Videos on the topics can be used to teach and help them experience and learn more profoundly and perceptively since pictorial learning has more lasting impression in the minds of he children.

  23. ICT helps immensely in the teaching learning process of the foundational and preparatory stages of education. It makes the learning activities interesting and fruitful. During the hard times of pandemic online classes can be done by using ICT

  24. ITC helps in teaching at the foundational and preparatory stages of education by making learning more interesting and creative. ITC tools contribute to high quality teaching and learning by providing many resourceful and high quality information and lessons. ITC is a great tool especially during these times of pandemic.

  25. ICT helps in accessing and gathering a lot of information about various aspects of life even before they go to school and learn. The nature of children is being increasingly shaped by Information and Communication Technologies.
    During the pandemic ICT has been a boon for the education system. We could continue teaching and learning due to the technology. We have used the ICT to conduct class online, connect the children through whatsapp and other ICT mediums. We gave assignments and monitored the learning progress through the online assessment using ICTs.

  26. Implementation of ICT into FLN perceived from different perceptions which can be Macro-at the National level, Meso-at the regional level and Micro which is at the level of the actual class room where teaching learning takes place. It
    1 develops opportunities for developing inquiry, exploration and increase motivation and interest.
    2 nurture creativity
    3 enables to play various roles like learner, instructor, collaborator, etc
    4 support self learning and independent thinking
    5 increases access, participation and and equal opportunity for all.

  27. ICT supports Teaching-learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education. Due to ICT, education was never paused nor affected. Students were able to continue their studies and build up more of their knowledge with the help of ICT.

  28. ICT helps in motivating the students in the utilisation and benefits of using technology in the learning process.

  29. ICT helps in technological communication and utilisation of digital methods for learning

  30. ICT help the teaching learning process of foundational stage or preparatory through the various ways
    1) ICT will make the learning fun and joyful activities.
    2) It will help in making good lesson plan well designed for the need of the children of the age group 3 to 9 years.
    3) Videos related to the topics can be use for more lasting impression in the minds of the children.
    4) Learning module can be developed to help the children access the learning materials so that they can learn anytime.
    5) Activities and workbook can be integrated in the module to help them practice and learn during free time.
    6) ICT play a important role while teaching student during pandemic.
    7) Skill development, lifelong skills

  31. Integration of ICT in teaching learning and assessment make learning more interesting and gives deeper understanding of knowledge.

  32. Using ICT,strengthens and better results are obtained. It motivates children and allows them to progress in a personalized way. It is very important for fostering students creativity, cooperativeness, self esteem and self directed learning towards future learning environments. Hence, supporting our teaching learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education.

  33. In a digital world as the world is progressing ICT have become a very important tools of information technology where every knowledge or information is just a click away.with the use of technology all the necessary information develops opportunities for developing inquiry, exploration and increase motivation and interest.

  34. ICT helps us in teaching-learning assessment in various ways, such as gathering information, quiz through online, conduct online recitation or video activities.

  35. ICT helps in teaching at the foundational and preparatory stages of education by making learning more interesting and creative.ICT tools contribute to high quality teaching and learning by providing many resourceful and high quality information and lessons.ICT is a great tool especially during the time of pandemic.

  36. ICT is an advanced tool which we can used in teaching learning process during this pandemic for online class and study material can be reached to our students through online plateform like whatsapp etc.

  37. ICT,as an interesting and modern method,is a very important tool in the teaching learning assessment of the children.Through recorded videos of the lessons,we can deliver our classes that is effective in teaching.prepared and written notes can be given and assignments also can be given to the children and children have shown their keen interest in the method of using IÇT in teachiñg learning and assessment

  38. ICT helps in teaching at the foundational and preparatory stages of education by making the students/ children more excited and interested in studying and learning.

  39. ICT help to understand the topic clearly in foundation stage for examples, when we teach the alphabet we can use the screen projector to show the alphabet such as A for apple. And we can show them cartoon ryme, it will get their intention of learning. And it will help remembering in a long way.

  40. ICT support teaching learning assessment at tne foundational level and preparatory stages of school education by making the learning fun and joyful activities and gives deeper understanding of knowledge.

  41. Using of ICT makes learning joyful, creative and accurate. More over it also makes the children more interested and happy that they learn it faster.

  42. Education is one major sector which has undergone the influence of innovations in ICT. Starting from providing online content service, platform for organizing learning experiences to managing learning and assessment has been changed greatly by ICT developments. Students, teachers and educational administrators and every stakeholder in education have been benefitted by the integration of ICT in education.
    ICT provides us with many tools, including hardware and content. The hardware encompasses computing devices as well as display devises. The content sources can be Open Education Resources (OER), and Reusable Learning Objects (RLO). Similar detailed exploration of ICT use can be taken up for other aspects of educational practice. Professional development of teachers is another such example. ICT tools provide various opportunities in the form of Webinars, online courses, online collaborative projects, online tutorials, social networking, and so on. Look at other components presented in the graphic and see how ICTs contribute for educational practice.

  43. ICT is more visual and experimental; useful information can be more easily. It strengthens students motivation and better results are achieved using ICT. It provides opportunities for developing inquiry exploration and increase interest.
    It also provide opportunities to play, visualise, experience, learn and collaborates with peers, teachers.

  44. At the foundational level and preparatory stage,ICT helps and supports teaching and learning assessment by attracting the attention of the learners,arousing curiosity in the minds of the learners and also level of interest rise as it's audio-visual support material system.

  45. Rhyming video or poem can be view and used to enhance children's vocabulary and also describing words can be introduce to students in funful ways.
    ICT should be used meaningful such that it promotes construction of knowledge by learners rather than just other teaching aids.

  46. ICT enhance children's learning activities at the foundation level and preparatory support learning assessment creating curiosity in children

  47. ICT supports vocabulary improvement at the preparatory stage..It makes teaching learning process visualized activity base , playway and joyful learning .It provides high quality information. It is a great tool especially during the times of pandemic.

  48. The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how student are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspect of supporting learning.

  49. he use of ICT in teaching and learning process is very helpful as it help in engaging and gaining the attention of students and give them insight knowledge to students which can be seen and observe making their learning activities more enjoyable and thus help in learning.

  50. ICT resources not only provide the tools for promoting and developing these skill but also encourages them to engage confidently in imaginative learning and make teaching and learning more effective and fun for everyone involved.

  51. The process of implementation of ICT at the foundational level and preparatory stage may be micro at national level, me so at the regional level and micro which is at the level of actual classroom where teaching learning take place.

  52. ICT greatly helps or supports our Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education. ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson since they have potential to increase students motivation, connect students to many information sources,etc.

  53. ICT support teaching-learning assessment by enhancing learning opportunity by providing an indirect experience where direct experience is not feasible. It can be used for transforming their ideas and dreams from real world into a digital reality. It supports all areas of learning including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and developing self-esteem. It can be employed as a supporr systems in the holistic development of children.

  54. ICT tools helps teaching, learning and assessment at the foundational and preparatory stage at the large extent. Mostly during the time of pandemic of covid 19,we can keep in contact with our children through whatsapp. We transact lessons through videos, audio etc. for assignments too.Thus we could continue teaching and learning because of ICT tools and assessed our children as well. In fact ICTtool benefits both teachers and children performances. It is effective tool at this digital world and it is important technology.

  55. ICT contibutes to high quality lesson learning and improve their ability to concentrate,support self learning and independent thinking.

  56. ICT support Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education helps in engaging and gaining the attention of the students and give them more insight knowledge and making their learning activities more enjoyable.

  57. ICT helps in developing avenues for developing inquiry, exploration and plays a crucial role in increasing motivation and creativity thinking. ICT helps in playing various roles such as learner, instructor, collaborator, etc. ICT also plays a crucial role in self learning and independent thinking. In addition, ICT helps in sustaining lifelong learning and skill development.

  58. ICT helps to improve learning more effective by providing learners more joyful in foundational level and preparatory stage

  59. ICT supports teaching and learning assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson.

  60. ICT help assessment of learning in primary classes in great way as children of young ages are more and more inclined to technology nowadays,they get enthusiastic in learning through apps so as the assessment can be done simultaneously and easily.

  61. ICT helps in developing opportunities for developing enquiry, exploration, motivation, sustain life long learning, skill formations, increases access, participation and equal opportunity in the teaching learning assessment at the foundation level and preparatory stage of school education.

  62. ICT helps a lot in Teaching and learning assessment of the pre primary and primary level students. Uses of watsapp with the parents can enhance the communication between the teacher and the parents. Teacher can make small videos of the students when they are engaging in activities which will enhance assessment of the teacher.

  63. By making small recordings of the class room activities we can help a teacher in doing assessment of the students.

  64. The creative use of ICT can improve children 's thinking skills and encourage them to become independent, self-motivated and flexible to the learners

  65. ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how student are developing understanding of new material as they are exposed to mobile phones, computers and smart TVs. By taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspect of supporting learning.
    ICT resources not only provide the tools for promoting and developing these skill but also encourages them to engage confidently in imaginative learning and make teaching and learning more effective and fun for everyone involved.

  66. In many ways ICT supports the Teaching- Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education. Specially it supports the education with the digital information through the social media which helps the students to better understanding.

    ICT also supports the Teaching-Learning assessment with the software, hardware, a process or a system that can create, store, retrieve, manipulate, send and receive digital information.

    Nowadays, ICT is really needed in all forms of education for example, throught smartphones along with the internet connectivity and the medium like Whatsapp that we have used to send communication really helps teachers and students in great ways.
    Especially presentation in the classroom for teaching and explaining the content of the lessons can be done with the help of ICT. So, there is a possibility for a teacher to always use ICT in the classroom with the existing resources.

  67. Technology helps teachers assess students' learning as well as their performance in the classroom. ... Teachers can use computers to construct their assessment tasks, to deliver these tasks to relevant students and to record and provide feedback and grades to these students.

  68. Gcompris is one of the ICT tools that can be used for remote learning which will make teaching learning process interactive and helpful to students to understand the basic content that is being taught.
    For example, at the primary level, digital games can be used by teachers for encouraging participation and promoting joyful learning. Gcompris is one such game package that has several educational games that covers language, science, mathematics etc. Let us see some examples in Gcompris.

    In this Gcompris tool you can see that there are games related to calculation, geometry and numeration which are the basic themes in mathematics till primary level. You can also see there are several language games in this. These are all free and open source games which can be translated and also the interface can be made in your own language so that students can understand the content very well. And on the other side, another ICT tool can be used for students who are visually challenged, ICT tools like the Text To Speech (TTS) and audio tactile materials, play a vital role in the communication of the information. Making the resources open and free, provides equal access to children from lower economic backgrounds. Thus understanding the learner helps in selecting appropriate ICT and makes the classroom more inclusive.

  69. ICTs can enable teachers to transform their teacher practices, given a set of enabling conditions. Teachers’ pedagogical practices and reasoning influence their uses of ICT, and the nature of teacher ICT use impacts student achievement. ICT integration is understood as the usage of technology seamlessly for educational processes like transacting curricular content and help students work on technology to do authentic tasks. Nowadays ICT facilitate not only the delivery of lessons but also the learning process itself
    The use of ICT can help teachers by storing and recording information about how students are developing understanding of new material; and by taking over some of the role of assessing and providing feedback to students so that teachers can focus on other aspects of supporting learning.

  70. ICT can act as a great tool in assessing students and their performance in the classroom. It allows the teacher to produce and modify resources quickly and easily. It also allows access to a wide range of information in various formats.
    ICT in Primary school can help to embed the basis skills that are used in future life; if taught successfully the basics.

  71. With the help of ICT, students can see directly the things happening around the world as well as related things with their lessons. It helps to create more ideas in their imaginative powers. Teachers also can use it to record, store and share any activities or assessments of the students.

  72. Children are more interested in learning through ict as it provides motivation

  73. ICT supports Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education. It makes learning a fun and enjoyable experience as ICT tools contribute to high quality lesson. It helps in keeping the students engaged and motivated.

  74. ICT supports our Teaching-Learning Assessment at the foundational level and preparatory stage of school education as ICT makes leaning more enjoyable for the pre school level to develop themselves. And also help the teacher to horn and developed their leaning skills.

  75. In the present generation the educational system is transforming to meet the needs and requirements of the learners. ICT is one such area that has taken a leap and has now become the foundation for advanced teaching learning methods.m. ICt equips us with necessary knowledge essential to compete the present generation.


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