Course 8 Activity 3 : Share Your thoughts

Course 8

Activity 3: Share Your Thoughts

Based on your understanding of various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy, list down the key practices you would like to take forward in your assessment practices with your children. Share your thoughts in the blog post.


  1. I would like to take assessment practices with our learners in the following ways.
    Individual learners- to focus on one or more specific areas,self expression skill
    Groups of children-to focus on one or more skills,abilities to communicate,share and take turns.

  2. Children at the primary or foundational level should be instilled with the idea of getting acquainted with numbers, alphabets, colors, etc. They must be assessed based on their understanding at their stage. For example, in an assessment using rubrics, we can use colored blocks, different sized blocks, puzzles, etc. to assess their skills. For language and literacy assessment, they can be given picture books, alphabets, make them grasp what they have learnt all along.

  3. Children at the primary or foundational level should be instilled with the idea of getting acquainted with numbers, alphabets, colors, etc. They must be assessed based on their understanding at their stage. For example, in an assessment using rubrics, we can use colored blocks, different sized blocks, puzzles, etc. to assess their skills.

  4. I would like to take assessment of children in the following ways.
    1. Interaction of simple daily routines to find out the grasp of simple daily vocabulary.
    2. Observation (individual and group and class as a whole)
    3. Writing and sketching
    4. Values and morals
    4. Discipline and neatness
    5. Social skills (relation of child with peers) and much more.

  5. Children at the primary or foundational level should be instilled with the idea of getting acquainted with numbers, alphabets, colors, etc.
    Individual learners- to focus on one or more specific areas,self expression skill
    Groups of children-to focus on one or more skills,abilities to communicate,share and take turns.

  6. In assessment regarding language ,practice of reading and understanding the text should be done, in numeracy practice of counting with toys would be done for learning effectively...

  7. Assessment such as reading and identification of various objects should be given to the students.

  8. Ensure that the program goals are being addressed throughout the program's curriculum. Thus, don't just focus the assessment on the same one or two courses every time. Determine benchmarks for student success (proficiency level) on each program goal. Assess the learning of all students in a class

  9. To practise language skills children may be taught how to speak and pronounce words. For literacy skills they need to practise reading and writing. And for numeracy skill they need to practise counting and indentification of objects.

  10. Some key practises which we may take forward to assess children's skill in language, literacy and numeracy are to make them practise speaking and pronounciation, reading and writing and counting and identification of objects.

  11. The key practices that l would like to take forward in my assessment towards my children are:-
    1.maintain observation diary.
    2.portfolio 3.Rubrics tapings
    5.checklist & 6.Rating scales.
    Every child learns at their own maintaining all these would be the easiest way in assessing our children.

  12. Some of the key practices that i would like to take forward in my assessment are :-
    1) Observing the children individually, in pairs and in large groups while they play with toys, puzzles, blocks, etc.
    2) Observing the children while reading a book, how they handle the book, etc.
    3) Assessing the children children through informal ways so as not to put pressure on them and make them feel at ease while answering queries.

  13. Childrens in primary level can do assessment in following ways
    1.Grouping assessment
    2.Oral assessment
    3.Skill assessment
    4.Portfolio assessment
    5.Writing assessment

  14. Every child is unique and learns at their own way. We have to record , monitor ,evaluate and maintain the portfolio of each child's progress .Teachers need to select appropriate assessment methods so that all will benefit from assessment.

  15. Some key practices that I would like to take forward with my children are:
    1. Open-ended questions that would encourage them to write or talk.
    2. Ask them to reflect on what they have learned.
    3. Perform quizzes to test their comprehension.
    4. Use of hand signal to test their understanding of the content that they have learned.
    5. Use of response cards.
    6. Formative pencil-paper assessment.
    7. Misconception check.
    8. Practice frequency.
    9. Use variety, etc.

  16. The key assessment that
    I would take forward are interaction,observation,writing and sketching etc.

  17. Assessment such as reading, writing and identification of various objects should be given to the students

  18. For assessing children in FLN skills,the assessment practices that I would like to carry forward are observation methods by providing children with story books in thier manner how they tackle or take interest,providing them with blocks and puzzles.Maitaining portfolios,rubrics ,dairy writing etc be carried forward.

  19. As a teacher, I would like to forward my assessment practices with children are
    1,always check on the previous knowledge of the children and build on that (it boost up the confidence among children and families) 2,keep the communication channel open and remain interaction with children apart from usual routine of the classroom.
    3,make observation of student and understanding the performance in a variety of ways- from classroom dialogue, questioning, seat work and homework assignment, formal test, less formal quizzes, projects portfolio and so on.

  20. Alongwith standard question and answer format it would be beneficial to include play based activities to check understanding of the subject and allow the students to express freely their understanding and thoughts on subject matter taught

  21. The various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy,I would like to take the the following steps.
    1. I would have an Interaction of simple daily routines to find out the grasp of simple daily vocabulary.

    2. Activity such as block games,colors separation, puzzle etc to keep them occupied.

    3. Writing and sketching

    4. Discipline and neatness

  22. The key practice that could be put forward are ,1 observation,2.writing,3, reading 4.assessment

  23. As children at the primary (foundational level) need to be instilled with the idea of getting acquainted with numbers, alphabets, colors, etc., they must be assessed based on their understanding at their stage.

    As for me, I would like to take assessment of children in the following ways:
    (i) Interaction of simple daily routines to find out the grasp of simple daily vocabulary.
    (ii) Observation of individuals and group (class) as a whole.
    (iii) Writing and sketching.
    (iv) Values and morals.
    (v) Discipline and hygiene.
    (vi) Social skills.

  24. I will first assess in individual and group and will note the personality type of each children. And accordingly the interaction will be inclusive. For language, through reading stories, newspaper etc will help them to easily learn the words and alphabet. For numeracy, counting stones, beans or chickpeas or whatever is available in the area can help children learn numbers with fun and also addition and substraction can be done using the same kits.

  25. Observations carefully to achieve the learning outcome is needed for assessment language, literacy and Numeracy, I would like to take forward some activities for my children. While observing guiding carefully in various ways like
    1. Observing in pretend reading ,it may be how the child is handling the book and starting from left to right.
    2. Pattern making.
    3. Seriation.
    4. Vocabularies like
    Which one is lengthier
    Which one is bigger
    Which one is heavier etc.
    5. What comes next.
    And observing in a holistic way is necessary to achieve the three developmental goals.

  26. To focus more on reading out loud and counting numbers in daily life activities

  27. We need to focus more on reading and oral activities.

  28. The key practices I would like to take are -
    i)providing appropriate resources that we can find in our immediate environment and observe how children use that resources.
    ii) offering a variety of pattern activities, developmentally appropriate blocks, story books, picture books.
    iii)creating open ended questions, etc.

  29. Key practices to follow for assessment practice of students would be;
    1. Make a Diagnosis: Diagnostic assessment is a tool for use during class to quickly gain information about the students’ understanding of the concept they are examining and how we are facilitating learning.
    2.Encourage students to self-question and self-verbalize their performance.
    3.Give Feedback: A positive, affirming, and honest relationship between both parties is necessary to enable this dialogue.
    4. A proper portfolio: a record of the development of one’s thinking and ideas. This not only allows for formative assessment but also clearly demonstrates the formation of ideas and understandings that are hard to measure any other way.

  30. The key practice I would like to take forward in my assessment practice is observation notes diary or informal method of observation.

  31. One method could be assesment done by observation while reading in library. Observe whether the child start reading from left to right, Could
    the child pronounce the words clearly, whether they do keep finger below words , do they read systematically or jump words, etc.

  32. The key practices of the assessment strategies that I would like to take forward with the children for language, literacy and numeracy can be bringing development or progress among the children in the everyday communications, actions, thoughts and drawings of babies, toddlers and young children especially at the foundational stage.

    Observing children engage in small group discussions, taking notes while they plan a project, and even observing the expressions on children's faces during a group activity are all types of informal assessment. Likewise, observing children's level of engagement during literacy and numeracy activities is an informal assessment.

    Teachers need to be better equipped to select appropriate assessment methods so that all the children will benefit from assessment.

    The assessment in FLN is a part of classroom pedagogical practices and builds upon specific literacy and numeracy activities/programmes that support all children to accomplish the desired learning outcomes and smooth transition to next class/stage.

    The assessment in FLN requires plenty of resources such as games, stories, toys, literature, play materials that the teacher and children can use for the identified areas of development in reading, writing and language conventions. Similarly, plenty of resources such as toys, puzzles, number rods, manipulatives, etc. to assist teachers for the development in the areas of number and algebra, measurement and geometry, spatial sense and data handling.

  33. The main practices that I would like to do for assessing the primary students for fln are ability to identify pictures and name them , ability to identify numbers and apply the concept of it at their play etc.

  34. Some key practices that I like to forward in assessment are ability to know and identify pictures and symbols,Oral evaluation, Active also passive assessments, Observation assessment, diagnosis assessment,formative assessment and Summative assessment.

  35. Children can be provided with simple local folk story books to enhance their vocabulary;toys,puzzles,objects of different shapes and sizes can be orovided to the children to enhance their mathmatical knowledge.

  36. The key practices that I would like to forward in my assessment practices are: (1)story telling session (2) picture reading session (3) observations through interactions (4) join reading and counting session (5) identification of objects and pictures (6) questioning session with appreciation for encouragement (7) sketching session (8) writing session (9)use of anectdotal records, portfolios and rubrics.

  37. I would take up measure and step to improve children learning abilities through observing children work, play and performance and take steps accordingly.

  38. The practice I would like to take forward in my assessment with children are:Listen to the pupil voice,Let the children build a business enterprise,Encourage literacy at home,Fit bodies and minds,Build things,Practice that feel like play,The element of competition,Be brave and learn from others.

  39. The key practices I like to take forward in my assessment pray with my children are:-
    Individual learner- it's very important to self learning and self expression skills.Identify picture, symbol, oral etc.

    While playing with toy children learn more quickly and remember it long lastly. Drama is also good.

  40. I would like to practices for a better learning for children such as peer reading, sharing a short stories, identification of objects and their colour shape and size.

  41. The key practices which we may take forward to assess children's skill in language, literacy and numeracy are to make them practice speaking and pronounciation, reading and writing and counting and identification of objects.

  42. Focus on personal abilities and skills and teach them accordingly to their level of understanding.

  43. Some of the key practices I would like to take forward in assessing children are
    1. Rubrics
    2. Portfolio
    3. Individual assessment
    4. Group assessment
    5. Dairy note

  44. Based on my understanding of various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy, the assessment practices i would like to take forward with my children are as follows: story telling, picture reading,interactions,peer reading and counting,identification of objects and pictures,questioning session with encouragement,sketching session,writing session,etc.

  45. Based on the assessment strategies given for language, literacy and numeracy we can used some key practices for students through individual focus as well as group focus of the students. We can practice the students to understand front and back cover of the books, turn up the pages, identify letters and odds etc. For literacy we can focus the students how they communicate among themselves, telling a story, describe a picture on their own words etc. For numeracy we can do counting numbers, objects, writing numbers etc.

  46. As a teacher, we need to understand the children very well. Like their background, previous knowledge, learning skills etc
    Various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy, the assessment practices i would like to take forward with my children for effective teaching learning process are as follows

    1) profolio, checklist can be very effective in observing the child and thereby take up related teaching strategy like grouping them for self learning and peer assessment.
    2) oral test is effective and easiest method that can be used in language, literacy and numeracy. This assessment is done mostly in classroom practises.
    3) we can also go for writing skills test, observation from prints and easily available mathematical tools, story books etc
    4) Arranging some form of paper pencil test do helpful in assessing the students and timely correction is done.

  47. The key practices are interaction with others,story telling session,reading and writing session, drawing and picture reading session, identification object. Etc.

  48. Base on my understanding the key practices which we may take forward to assess children's skill in language, literacy and numeracy are to make them practice speaking and pronounciation, reading and writing, counting and identification of objects, observation and imitation, etc.

  49. I would like to take up my assessment as :-
    1) Observing the children individually, in pairs and in large groups while they play with toys, puzzles, blocks, etc.
    2) Observing the children while reading a book, how they handle the book, etc.
    3) Assessing the children children through informal ways so as not to put pressure on them and make them feel at ease while answering queries.

  50. The key practices that l would like to take forward in my assessment towards my children are:-
    1. Maintain observation diary.
    4.Video tapings
    5.Checklist &
    6.Rating scales.

  51. I would like to take assessment of children in the following ways
    1. Interaction of individuals
    2. Observation ( Group and class as a whole).
    3. Writing , etc.

  52. i) Observing the children while reading a book, how they handle the book.
    ii) oral test is effective and easiest method that can be used in language, literacy and numeracy. This assessment is done mostly in classroom practises.
    iii) Group assessment.
    iv) questioning session with appreciation for encouragement and
    v) creating open ended questions, etc.

  53. Assessment activities should be aligned to learning objectives, particularly if the activities are formally assessed and graded. Well-designed assessments should give an indication of the standards of students' expected performance associated with each learning objective. Using the Course Structure Planning Guide will help you in ensuring the overall course organization and assessments appropriately address the course goals and objectives.

  54. Some of the key practices that I would like to take forward in my assessment practices are-
    1.Individual child assessment
    2.Group assessment
    3.Oral assessment
    4.Writing and sketching
    5.Social skills

  55. Assessment is planned, systematic and structured; key practices to take forward are:
    1. Planning to achieve the desired outcome and guiding them
    2. Observation of the children activities and engagement
    3. Probing questions and making them answer
    4. Recording the observations made and continuous progress
    5. Monitoring and evaluating each child’s progress.
    6. Maintaining Portfolio of each child’s activities and progress
    7. Reporting-and informing for involvement of the parents

  56. The key practices that I would like to take forward in my assessment towards my children are:- 1) Maintain observation diary 2) Portfolio 3) Rubrics 4) Video tapings 5) Checklist 6) Rating scales.

  57. The key practices I would like to take forward in my assessment towards children are
    1) Communication skills,
    2) Video tapings
    3) Proper Planning for future,
    4) Oral assessment and Writing skills,
    5) Social skills.

  58. Key practices to follow for assessment practice of students would be such as
    Make a Diagnosis: Diagnostic assessment is a tool for use during class to quickly gain information about the students’ understanding of the concept they are examining and how we are facilitating learning. Encourage students to self-question and self-verbalize their performance.

  59. Some of the assessment strategies for language, literacy, and numeracy are
    1. Interaction on daily basis,
    2. Observation of social skills,
    3. Discipline
    4. Maintain diary
    5. Performing quiz etc.

  60. The key practices that I would like to take forward in assessment practices with the children are daily learning journals, peer teaching, self grading, observation, portfolios, educator Rating, standardized test.

  61. I would like to take assessment of children in the following ways : -
    1. Interaction of individuals
    2. Observation ( Group and class as a whole).
    3. Writing , etc.

  62. Key practices to follow for assessment practice of students would be such as:
    1.Enhancing the mana of the child, and the child’s sense of him or herself as a capable person and competent learner.
    2.Taking account of the whole child and reflect the holistic way in which children learn, based on the context of children’s activities and relationships.
    3.Including families and community
    4.Recognising the people, places and things that support children’s learning.

  63. Some of the key practices that i would like to take forward in my assessment are :-
    • Quick Summaries
    • Open-Ended Questions
    • Student Interviews
    • Daily Learning Journals
    • Peer Teaching
    • Quick-draw Showdown and
    • Self grading

  64. Key practices that i would like to carry out are:
    1) Making to identify pictures and make them read aloud.
    2) Numeracy problems based on pictures.
    3)Making to tell names with sounds similar to a given name.

  65. As a teacher, I would like to forward my assessment practices with children are
    1,always check on the previous knowledge of the children and build on that (it boost up the confidence among children and families) 2,keep the communication channel open and remain interaction with children apart from usual routine of the classroom.

  66. The main practice that i would take up is to have a meaningful interaction with the children about the previous and daily classes. Organising quiz or other competitions based on their routine is also another practice to be taken up. Observations can be taken up too.

  67. The key practices of the assessment strategies that I would like to take forward with the children for language, literacy and numeracy can be bringing development or progress among the children in the everyday communications, actions, thoughts and drawings of babies, toddlers and young children especially at the foundational stage.

  68. I will first assess in individual and group and will note the personality type of each children. And accordingly the interaction will be inclusive. For language, through reading stories, newspaper etc will help them to easily learn the words and alphabet.

  69. I would like to take assessment of any children in the following ways-
    1. Individuals assessment
    2. Group assessment
    3. Portfolio
    4. Rubrics
    5. Observation maintain dairy
    6. Rating scales

  70. Children should be made to read out loud the latter in the Alphabet, identify obects

  71. The evaluation procedures that I would like to continue forward for testing children's FLN skills are observation methods such as presenting children with tale books in the manner in which they tackle or take interest, and supplying them with blocks and puzzles. Portfolios, rubrics, and dairy writing should all be kept up to date. Along with the traditional question and answer style, it would be helpful to integrate play-based exercises to evaluate grasp of the subject and allow students to freely express their understanding and ideas on the subject matter.

  72. Some key practices that I would like to take forward with my children are:
    1. Open-ended questions that would encourage them to write or talk.
    2. Ask them to reflect on what they have learned.
    3. Perform quizzes to test their comprehension.

  73. Some key practices that I would like to take forward with my children are:
    1. Open-ended questions that would encourage them to write or talk.
    2. Ask them to reflect on what they have learned.
    3. Perform quizzes to test their comprehension.
    4. Use of hand signal to test their understanding of the content that they have learned.
    5. Use of response cards.

  74. Key practices to follow for assessment practice of students would be;
    1. Make a Diagnosis: Diagnostic assessment is a tool for use during class to quickly gain information about the students’ understanding of the concept they are examining and how we are facilitating learning.
    2.Encourage students to self-question and self-verbalize their performance.
    3.Give Feedback: A positive, affirming, and honest relationship between both parties is necessary to enable this dialogue.

  75. Assessment is planned, systematic and structured.
    Based on my understanding of various assessment strategies for language, literacy and numeracy, some of the key practices I would like to take forward in my assessment practices with the children are as follows-
    1. Moral values
    2. Reading and writing
    3. Communication skills

  76. The following key practices can be taken up in assessment of children:-
    1.maintain observation diary.
    3.Rubrics tapings
    5.checklist &
    6.Rating scales.

  77. Some key practice that i would like to forward with my children are-
    1.Rubrics tapings
    3.Rating scales
    4.Maintaining observation diary


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