Course 8 Activity 1 : Share Your Thoughts

Course 8

Activity 1: Share Your Thoughts

What are the various forms of assessment that you can use with children at the foundational stage? List the types of assessment – specially think of forms of assessment other than paper-pencil test. Share your thoughts in the blog post.


  1. The various forms of assessment that we can use with children at the foundational stage are:pre-assessment or diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, confirmative assessment,norm- reference assessment, criterion reference assessment and ipsative assessment.

  2. At the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test,we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4 Summative assessment-it is to review performance ,progress and how to improve for the next stage.
    Assessments help the teacher determine what to teach, how to teach, and in the end, how effectively they taught it.

  3. The types of assessment used for children at the foundational stage are rating assessment, portfolio assessment, norm referenced assessment, etc. They can be used to examine the children's skills and their exploration areas.

  4. Formative assessment to check the improvement in performance in a continuos basis, Diagnostic assessment in order to correct the problematic area of the learner specifically n rectify it, Sometimes we can take help of Portfolio assessment to assess the overall development of the particular child or we either assess through or while in conversation with the child , etc.

  5. At the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test,we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.

  6. In addition to paper pencil test we can use oral test, identifying objects , hands on activity test etc

  7. we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4 Summative assessment-it is to review performance ,progress and how to improve for the next stage.
    Assessments help the teacher determine what to teach, how to teach, and in the end, how effectively they taught it.

  8. Some of the assessment other than pen paper are.
    1 . Peer assessment
    2. Oral assessment
    3. Observation and recording of performance
    4. Group activities etc

  9. Assessment of children at the foundational stage can be done informally by conducting natural observations of the children or formally by using various assessment tools such as conducting tests etc

  10. Assessment is planned, systematic and structure and is an integral part of the curriculum. It's a feedback about the children's learning levels in literacy and numeracy. Therefore other than paper-pencil test, oral test and activity base test will be the best test for assessing the progress of a child at the foundational stage.

  11. In the foundation stage assessment should be oral test and identifying objects.

  12. Other than paper pencil test, children can be assessed through oral test, conducting activity and their ability to participate in the classroom.

  13. The type of assessment which we can do without pen and paper is oral and activity base assessment where we can analyse the productivity of the learning..

  14. The various assessment which can be done at foudational stage can be categorised into three form generally. They are Diagnostic, formative, interim and summative assessments. We can use various techniques like oral test, group activity, presentation by the student in form of dance, activity etc

    Types of assessment at the foundational stage, we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4. Finally, summative assessment is done to test the overall performance at the end of the year.

    All of this assessment are done in time so that learning become holistic in nature for over all development of the student.

  15. Without paper-pencil, we may use (1) oral based assessment (2) play/toy based assessment (3) peer based assessment going parallel with formative, diagnostic and summative assessment for children at the foundational stage.

  16. At the foundational stage we may use diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, confirmative assessment and so on

  17. For assessing children at the foundational stage we may we use diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment and confirmative assessment.

  18. Other than paper-pencil test,at foundational stage , Various assessment that can be listed are-
    1-Formative Assessment
    2-Summative Assessment
    3-Diagnostic Assessment

  19. In foundational stage we can used the following assessment oral assessment, peer assessment, group activity , ipsative assessment, performance assessment ect.

  20. Various forms of assessment that we can use with children are 3-2-1 Format
    3-2-1 Format is a quick and simple student writing activity.

    Focused Listing
    Focused Listing is a quick and simple student writing activity.

    Muddiest Point
    Muddiest Point is a quick and simple technique where students identify a challenging or confusing concept.

    One Minute Paper
    Minute paper is an introductory technique for a student writing activity.

    Think-Pair-Share is a quick and easy technique that has students working in pairs to answer questions posed by the instructor.

    Concept Mapping
    Concept Mapping is an intermediate technique that asks students to create ways of representing and organizing ideas and concepts.

    Jigsaw is an advanced technique where teach each other assigned topics.

    Memory Matrix
    Memory matrix is an intermediate technique that asks students to create a structure for organizing large sets of information.

    Quiz Show
    Quiz Show is an intermediate technique that uses a game show format for review sessions

  21. Other than pen paper assessment,small children can assessed through oral test may be inside the classroom or during play, assessment can also be done by observing their conversation with peers and identification s etc.

  22. There are many types of assessment. Teachers can used various methods of assessment to improve FLN skills of children. Mainly there are two types of assessment at the foudational stage.
    1Informal assessment- this are the results from spontaneous day to day observation of how students behave and perform in the class. Eg.early reading requiring children to read sighted word identifying the letter, and answer story related questions
    2,Formal assessment: it is preplanned, systematic attemp by the teacher to ascertain what student have learn.
    Eg:using assessment tools such as questionnaires, quizzes, surveys and standardized testing.

  23. At foundational stage,other than the pen pencil test ,we can adopt the following types of assessment -
    1.Diagnostic assessment
    2.Formative assessment &
    3.Interim assessment .

  24. 1 . Formative assessment: it includes a variety of formal and informal assessment procedures.

    2. Evaluative assessment: it concern only with evaluating assessment . The overall idea is to evaluate the assessment in the school .

    3.Diagnostic assessment: to identify children's strengths and areas of improvement.

  25. At the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test,we can follow the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment- in this assessment the teacher will identify the learning problems of students and rectify it accordingly.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track the progress and made necessary changes to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4 Summative assessment-it is to review the overall performances, progress and how to improve for the next stage.

  26. In the foundational stage assessment should be light and interesting. It should not be a burden. So apart from pencil paper test we can arrange simple tests like oral one eg. narrating a story and then asking them simple questions based on the story.

  27. Formative, diagnostic, summative assessment, etc are all known and heard assessments. But for this foundational stage we have to adopt different methods. The type of assessment which we can do without pen and paper is oral and activity base assessment where we can analyse the productivity of the learning..

  28. Some important assessment at the foundational stage are:
    1. Diagnostic assessment.
    2. Formative assessment.
    3. Summative assessment.
    4. Confirmative assessment.
    5. Norm-reference assessment.
    6. Criterion-referenced assessment.
    7. Ipsative assessment.

    In addition to these assessments, some assessments can be done that are not pencil-paper test like oral assessment, observation, peer assessment, classroom activities, etc., which will help in the assessment of a child.

  29. Assessment formative, assessment summative etc

  30. The various types of assessments that we can use with children at the foundational stage other than paper-pencil tests are --spontanous observation of children's work and play with their play material and children's literature. In fact observation in how children are grasping it and how the child is moving towards achieving each of the learning outcomes related to that particular concept/skill. Informal assessment is more adjusted with the children at the foundational stage.

  31. The various types of assessments that we can use with children at the foundational stage
    other than paper-pencil tests are
    1. Pre-assessment or diagnostic assessment
    Before creating the instruction, it’s necessary to know for what kind of students you’re
    creating the instruction.
    2. Formative assessment
    Formative assessment is used in the first attempt of developing instruction. The goal is to
    monitor student learning to provide feedback.
    3. Summative assessment
    Summative assessment is aimed at assessing the extent to which the most important
    outcomes at the end of the instruction have been reached.
    4. Confirmative assessment
    When your instruction has been implemented in your classroom, it’s still necessary to take
    5. Norm-referenced assessment
    This compares a student’s performance against an average norm.
    6. Criterion-referenced assessment
    It measures student’s performances against a fixed set of predetermined criteria or learning
    7. Ipsative assessment
    It measures the performance of a student against previous performances from that student.

  32. The various forms of assessment that you can use with children at the foundational stage are.

    Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.

    Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.

    Summative assessment-it is to review performance ,progress and how to improve for the next stage.

  33. Other than pen and paper other forms of assessment that can be used at the foundational are : 1.Group assessment,2.peer assessment,3.observation assessment activities etc

  34. We can use various forms of assessment with children at the foundational stage such as:

    (i) Pre-assessment (diagnostic assessment)
    (ii) Formative assessment
    (iii) Summative assessment
    (iv) Confirmative assessment
    (v) Norm-reference assessment
    (vi) Criterion-reference assessment, and
    (vii) Ipsative assessment.

  35. The various forms of assessment with children at the foundational stage are: portfolio assessment, group assessment, group activities, formative and summative assessment.

  36. The various forms of assessment that can be used with children at foundational stage are ,
    Informal assessment ( literacy, numeracy and mathematical vocabulary), print awareness assessment,play/toy based assessment,360-degree or holistic assessment and Formative type of assessment mainly based on observation method.

  37. i) Pre-assessment or diagnostic assessment
    ii) Formative assessment
    iii) Summative assessment
    iv) Confirmative assessment
    v) Norm-referenced assessment
    vi) Criterion-referenced assessment and
    vii) Ipsative assessment.
    The above are the various forms of assessment that you can use with children at the foundational stage.

  38. Various forms of assessment that can be used with children at the foundational stage are : Portfolio, diagnostic assessment, activity assessment, peer assessment, oral assessment, assessment of observation and recording, case studies etc.

  39. Methods of child assessment can be informal such as conducting natural observations, collecting data and children’s work for portfolios, using educator and teacher ratings and formal through using assessment tools such as questionnaires and standardized testing. Both methods are effective and can help inform educators and parents about a child’s progress.

  40. Apart from pen and pencil we have to be a keen observer . We have to do a diagnostic assessment if we think a student is facing problems in a particular area . Apart from this we should also perform formative and summative assessment according to the situation.

  41. Assessment other than paper pencil test are self assessment (observational assessment
    perfomance assessment )
    ,peer assessment
    group assessment
    oral assessment etc.It should be stress free and informal assessment.

  42. Apart from paper- pencil test assessment, there are various forms of assessment that can be used with children at the foundational stage. Because every child is unique, having their own strengths, abilities and areas of growth.

    Assessment is to support the children's holistic learning, and here in the context of FLN, the first and most important purpose is to use assessments to provide teachers working at the foundational stage with concrete feedback about the children’s learning levels in literacy and numeracy.

    This learner-centred timely assessment would help children in preparing for school, and develop them into healthy, cognitive and emotionally competent individuals.
    And teachers also need to enhance their knowledge in ‘Assessment for Learning’ and improve foundational literacy and numeracy skills of children through various different methods of assessment across the foundational stage.

    The regular and continuous assessments help in significant reduction of the number of such children who actually experience difficulty in achieving literacy and early numeracy skills.

  43. Assessment in foundational learning should be of concrete feedback to children so that they would be able to make out their mistakes and also teacher could bring about appropriate plan for development of children from different backgrounds and upbringing and so increase learning activities and decrease the drop-out level of students.

  44. The various forms of assessment that we can use with children at the foundational stage are
    Diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment, ipsative assessment, norm-referenced assessment, criterion assessment.

  45. The types of assessment that can be use with children at the foundational stage are:1.Diagnostic.2.Formative.3.Summative and 4.Evaluation.

  46. Some of the assessment that can be used in foundational stage are
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Oral assessment
    3. Concept mapping
    4. Puzzle etc.

  47. Assessment of children at the foundational stages can be done informally by conducting natural observations of the children or formally by using various assessment tools such as conducting tests etc . Some of the assessment other than pen paper are: 1) Peer assessment
    2) Observations and recording of performance
    3)Oral assessment and
    4) Group activities

  48. The various forms of assessment that can be used with children at foundational stage are Informal assessment ( literacy, numeracy and mathematical vocabulary), print awareness assessment, play/ toy based assessment,360-degree or holistic assessment and Formative type of assessment mainly based on observation method. Teachers need to enhance their knowledge in ‘Assessment for Learning’ and improve foundational literacy and numeracy skills of children through various different methods of assessment across the foundational stage.

  49. At the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test,we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessmen- which determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment- which track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-which see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4 Summative assessment-which review performance ,progress and how to improve for the next stage.

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. The type of assessment that we can use with children at the foundation stage:-
    - Observations can be made with minimal or no intrusion into children’s activities. Educators can observe all facets of development, including intellectual, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical development, on a regular basis.

    - Portfolios are a record of data that is collected through the work children have produced over a period of time. The collection clearly shows the progress of a child’s development. Portfolios can be an important tool in helping facilitate a partnership between teachers and parents.

    - Educator Ratings are useful in assessing children’s cognitive and language abilities as well as their social-emotional development. These ratings can be linked to other methods of assessment, such as standardized testing or other assessment tools. (See the next question below.)

    - ParentRatings integrate parents into the assessment process. Parents who are encouraged to observe and listen to their child can help detect and target important milestones and behaviors in their child’s development.

    - Standardized Tests are tests created to fit a set of testing standards. These tests are administered and scored in a standard manner and are often used to assess the performance of children in a program.

  52. The simplest way and more effective way need to be used in assessing the children especially during the foundation stage. Some of the assessments that in my opinion are appended below;
    Summative assessment
    Norm-referenced assessment
    This compares a student’s performance against an average norm.
    Criterion-referenced assessment
    Confirmative assessment

  53. The various forms of assessment at the foundational level without using materials like pen, pencil or paper
    are assessments in conversations,activities,plays, dancing,singing,reciting poems,rhymes,spelling bee,etc.

  54. Diagnostic assesment, summative assessment, interim assessment, formative assessment, confirmative, criterion assessment

  55. At the foundational stage,the various form of assessment the we can use with children are:- diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, interim assessment and summative assessment.

  56. Some of various forms of assessment at the foundational stage are Diagnostic, Formative, Summative, Confirmative, Norm-reference, Criterion-referenced and Ipsative assessment. In addition to these assessments, some assessments can be done that oral assessment, observation, peer assessment, classroom activities, etc., which will help in the assessment of a child.

  57. At the foundational stage other than the paper pencil test some of the assessment we can adopt are-
    1.Diagnostic assessment
    2.Formative assessment
    3.Interim assessment
    4.Summative assessment

  58. At the foundational stage, we can adopt the following types of assessments-
    Diagnostic assessment - to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    Formative assessment - to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    Interim assessment - to see the entire learning team, are moving forward and learning the material.

  59. At the foundational stage, the types of assessment used are Rating Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, Interim Assessment, Portfolio Assessment, Submative Assessment, Formative Assessment, etc

  60. The various forms and types of assessment apart from the pen and pencil form of assessment that we can use with children at the foundational stage may include rating scales, checklists, norm-referenced tests, portfolios, and observations. These forms of assessment can be used to learn more about the child's strengths and challenges.

  61. The various forms of assessment we can use with children at the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test, are Pre-assessment or Diagnostic assessment, Formative assessment, Interim assessment, Summative assessment, etc.

  62. At the foundational stage, other than the paper pencil test, we can adopt the following types of assessment:- 1) Diagnostic assessment--which determine the best learning strategy 2) Formative assessment--which track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy 3) Interim assessment-- which see the entire learning team, are moving forward and learning the material 4) Summative assessment-- which review performance, progress and how to improve for the next stage.

  63. The teachers working at the foundational stage should be aware about the children’s learning levels in literacy and numeracy. The teachers should be able to identify any special needs or learning disabilities and difficulties, so, regular and continuous assessment is required. Some of the assessment to check their learning can be:

    Reading: Asking the children to read
    Story telling: Asking the children to tell a story
    Describing: Asking the children to describe a thing
    Activities: Problem solving activities such as Ordering, Sequencing, Puzzle, role play, etc.
    Games: Interactive games, socializing games, group games, manipulaitves, etc.

  64. The various forms of assessments that we can use with children at the foundational stage are
    1. Diagnostic Assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Ipsative assessment
    4. Norm-referenced assessment and
    5. Interim Assessment.

  65. The Various forms of assessments that we can use with children at the foundational stage are diagnostic assessment, formative assessment, summarize assassessment and interim assessment and The type of assessment which we can do without pen and paper is oral and activity base assessment where we can analyse the productivity of the learning.

  66. Various assessment other than pencil paper are:
    1)Visual and oral testing.
    2) Game based assessment.
    3) Fun activity based assessment.
    4) Creative activity based assessment.

  67. Types of assessment at the foundational stage, we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.

  68. The various forms of assesment we can use with children at the foundational stage are:
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Summative assessment
    4. Confirmative assessment
    5. Norm - referenced assessment
    6. Criterion - referenced assessment
    All these assesment methods have different purposes during and after instruction.

  69. At the foundational stage, the types of assessment used are Rating Assessment, Diagnostic Assessment, Interim Assessment, Portfolio Assessment, Submative Assessment, Formative Assessment, etc.

  70. Assessment provides educators, parents, and families with critical information about a child’s development and growth.Methods of child assessment can be informal - 1.Conducting natural observations, 2.Collecting data and children’s work for portfolios, using educator and teacher ratings.

  71. A form of assessment other than the pen-pencil test - NEP2020 clearly makes a shift from ‘rote memorisation’ to ‘competency-based assessment’. The aim of the assessment now will be ‘for learning’ instead of ‘of learning’. The formative nature of the assessment will help learners to continually build their knowledge and skills through a variety of ongoing activities and assignments that will keep the teacher and learner both informed of the learner’s progress. The aim of assessment will be to go beyond testing the content, to testing skills- such as reading writing numeracy, mathematical thinking, and higher order thinking skills of the learner along with their communication and collaboration skills.

  72. Some other assessment other than paper-pencil test are-
    Identifying objects, oral test, visual test, fun based activity assesment, creative/game based activity assessment.

  73. Various form of assessment we can use at children foundation stage are-
    Diagnostic assessment
    Formative assessment
    Submative assessment

  74. we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.

  75. Types of assessment at the foundational stage, we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4. Finally, summative assessment is done to test the overall performance at the end of the year.

  76. In addition to paper pencil test, children can be assessed orally, making them to identify things, colour sizes, shape ete

  77. There are many types of assessment. Teachers can used various methods of assessment to improve FLN skills of children. Mainly there are two types of assessment at the foudational stage.
    1Informal assessment- this are the results from spontaneous day to day observation of how students behave and perform in the class.

  78. we can adopt the following types of assessment-
    1 Diagnostic assessment-it is to help to determine the best learning strategy.
    2 Formative assessment-it is to track progress and adjustments to the learning strategy.
    3 Interim assessment-it is to see the entire learning team , are moving forward and learning the material.
    4 Summative assessment-it is to review performance ,progress and how to improve for the next stage.

  79. There are many types of assessment. Teachers can used various methods of assessment to improve FLN skills of children. Mainly there are two types of assessment at the foudational stage.
    1Informal assessment- this are the results from spontaneous day to day observation of how students behave and perform in the class. Eg.early reading requiring children to read sighted word identifying the letter, and answer story related questions

  80. Assessment is planned, systematic, and is an integral part of the curriculum
    There are various types of assessment that can be used by the teachers to support the holistic learning of children.
    Some of the assessments which can be used with children at the foundational stage are as follows-
    1. Diagnostic assessment
    2. Formative assessment
    3. Summative assessment
    4. Interim assessment

  81. The various form of assessments that can be used at the foundational stage other than paper pencil test are
    1) oral test
    2)assessment through activity
    3) observation test etc.

  82. At the foundational stage, the following assessments are followed:
    1 Diagnostic assessment
    2 Formative assessment
    3.Summative assessment.

  83. Some of the assessment are-
    1.Diagnostic assessment
    2.Formative assessment
    3Summative assessment


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