Course 4 Activity 3: Share Your Reflection_Batch_2

Course 4

 Activity 3:

PTMs as a Powerful Method for Communication - Share Your Reflection_Batch_2

Think constructively on the following points: How often do you organise PTMs? What kind of discussions do you generally have with parents? Have you tried to explore how best they can help you and the school to work more effectively? Have you also tried to think about the general concerns of the parents and what could be the solutions from your side and/or from the school? Ponder over these questions with a creative and problem solving mind and share your reflections.


  1. We organise PTMs once in a while and generally discuss about the development of school and what is best for the students . I think the general concerns are negative behaviour, developmental delays, school problems etc. Best solutions for their concern is to organise PTM and sharing our thoughts.

  2. As usual I organize PTM once a month and in such a meeting mostly discussed with parents the progress and weakness of the children. The importance of regular attendance and need to give attention at home as there are chances of learning by fun ways as there are facilities for numeracy, identification etc for foundational level of 3 to 8 yrs of children who are depend on their parents as well as teachers. Formal and informal ways of communication between parents and teachers can work more effectively. So parents and teachers should keep talking definitely once or twice a week to support classroom learning of the child by doing activities at home. Parents should be provided the FLN concepts and means, abilities related to reading, writing, listening, speaking and foundational mathematical operations like addition ,subtraction etc and small small activities that can enhance FLN skills of children.

  3. We organize PTMs once every two months. In these meetings, parents will try to share how far their children have grasped the concepts that are being taught. The learning outcomes of the children will also be discussed. Parents and teachers can come together on this platform for a better understanding of the children. I have approached the parents to help in cooperating since we are responsible for their future. Parents often worry that their children might end up in the wrong path. But, as a teacher, I try to ensure them that each child has a different path to choose and needs time for learning and improving.

  4. We organize at least one PTM in a month.
    In the meeting we discussed about the children’s academic progress as well as their behavior. These meetings are very useful on both sides (School and the parents) in shaping the child’s career.
    The general concern of the parents is inability to look after routine home study of the child. According to parents regular communication with the teachers and school is very useful in this matter.

  5. PTM is a meeting between parents and teachers to talk about their children's learning and progress, which might be also called parent-teacher interviews.

    We organize PTMs once every two/three months. The children's grasp of the concepts and the learning outcomes of the children are mostly discussed. Parents and teachers come together on this platform for a better understanding of the children. We urge the parents to cooperate the teachers as the school and teachers are mostly responsible for their future.

    Usually PTM is conducted minimum twice and more as per needing, we discuss the prevailing situation, advice of parents, students update, and in ways how school can develop.

  7. PTMs is a must in our learning teaching institution .We , teachers also need and look forward to as an essential part in attaining higher level in education system.Once PTMs is organized , accordingly the needs of children , their current state of well-being,their ability , capabilities will be discussed and try possible means to find solutions and remedies for the children.

  8. We organize PTM at least once in every two months. We discuss about students attendance, weaknesses their problems, and other school development plans. Sharing thoughts and ideas among teachers helps in better understanding of their wards.It encourages appropriate design strategies for better learning outcomes. We urge parents to cooperate teachers for bright future life.

  9. Generally we organize PTMs once in every 2 months and sometimes 3 months as per the situation. We discussed about attendance of the students and their weakness. And most importantly we used to talk about how to support and involvement of parents to bring the students a brighter one. Last but not the least we used to discuss about the development of school also in any field.

  10. PTM is a meeting between parents and teachers to talk about their children's learning and progress and also if the children have any problem in their learning .ptm is really inportant in the child learning process.
    We tried to held ptm as often as possible like once in a month to discuss the areas where the child is lacking and need to work on ,and also make the parents know what they learn and the areas they need to work on etc

  11. We organise PTM once in a month.In these meeting,we discuss the progress and weakness of the children.The importance of regular attendance and need to give attention at home as there are chances of learning by fun ways as there are facilities for numeracy,identification etc. for foundational level of children who depend on their parents as well as teachers.Formal and informal ways of communication between parents and teachers can work more effectively.So, parents and teachers should keep talking definitely once or twice a week to support classroom learning of the child by doing activities at home.Parents should provided the FLN concepts and means,abilities related to reading, writing, listening,speaking and foundational mathematical operations like addition,subtraction etc. and small small activities that can enhance FLN skills of children.

  12. PTM is generally conducted once in a month ,in this meeting the main focus is on how to improve children's performance the class and what necessary steps can be taken that will help them in their future career

  13. Our school organised PTM once in two months and sometime as per the situation demands.

    HoevHow, unfortunately only few parents do turn up for the meeting. There we commonly discussed about the way and means for students development and progress, health and hygienic, etc

    We remind parents that they can best help the school , their wards learning and the teachers by acknowledging the school rules and regulations.

    Most parents have no much concern regarding their children's learning. Still, we gave them awareness about the importance of education of their wards continually.

  14. PTM is organised once in one or two months time.Due to covid19 some parents are reluctant to come to school. As situation become better we can organise more for the betterment of the students.

    We used to discuss on the problems arises out of classroom, behaviour of the students for timely correction. Sometime emergency PTM is held to discuss problem arising among students which immediate attention like quarelling among themselves. We talk about betterment of the learning outcomes of the students.

    If PTM is held timely, it will eventually bring good development in teaching and learning process. Moreover, if we explore deep into it the causes of poor attendence, conduct, punctuality can be easily ruled out. Of course general concern for parent regarding how/what system is being followed at home is prime importance. Parent's responsibility is needed for good conducts of the childrens.

    Overall development in holistic manner of the children is all depend upon the type of parenting and teaching-learning take place in school by teachers. Our future depends on the collective effort of both teacher and parent, community as a whole.Only when each and every individual take their responsibility then a developed future is very near.

  15. We organized PTMs once every two months. We discussed about attendance of the students, their weaknesses, progress, health and hygiene etc.holistic development of a child depend on the collaboration of parents, community and teachers.

  16. PTMs are organised once in a while. PTMs are mostly focused on the child's academic performance and for the best development of the child. Poverty, poor attendance and lack of attention towards the child are the most common reason for the weak academic performance. To make the students create interest in learning, the teachers reward children who has the highest attendance, score good marks and excel in other curriculum activities. These help students develop interest and motivate themselves to learn

  17. We organize a Parent teachers meeting (PTM) once a month. We generally discuss the daily routine, habits of the children, the ways parents mingle with their kids and the duration. Yes, l, as a teacher suggests the parents to encourage their children and to enjoy the time with them. I tell them to listen attentively from their kids at home about the school hour activities.
    Most parents opine that their children don't follow them but they only wish to follow what their teachers say. In this regard, I say to them they have to make fun with kids before anything.

  18. In the PTMs, we mostly focus on the performance of the children and forget to tackle issues such as
    (i) Lack of time and commitment by the parents and families
    (ii) Lack of resources with the schools
    (iii) Lack of able leadership at the community level
    (iv) Misconceptions on the part of schools about the capabilities of parents
    (v) Reluctance and indifference of schools and community to collaborate towards each other
    We often fear the interference by community in the administration of the school. Involvement of the parents and community in the learning process of the children should be given importance. Formation of strong relationship and partnership between the school, parents and community is very important. Two ways communication between the school and parent about the child's participation and progress is very crucial. Recognition and understanding of diverse family structures, circumstances and responsibilities, for participation of family is important. Flexibility in the organizing of PTMs based on the parents convenient is required. More platforms to raise the issues and concerns relating to school, community, parents and students should be provided.

  19. Because of COVID19 situation we can't organize such things as Parent Teacher Meetings. Surely PTMs are a great tool in ensuring that children are not only learning the knowledge that they need to in schools but also take time to develop all roundedly because of influence of parents and teachers as parents ans teachers often support children in whatever they choose to drive themselves.

  20. Generally we organize PTMs once in every 2 months and sometimes 3 months as per the situation. We discussed about attendance of the students and their weakness. And most importantly we used to talk about how to support and involvement of parents to bring the students a brighter one. Last but not the least we used to discuss about the development of school also in any field.

  21. We organise PTMs once in a while and generally discuss about the development of school and what is best for the students . I think the general concerns are negative behaviour, developmental delays, school problems etc. Best solutions for their concern is to organise PTMs and sharing our thoughts.

  22. We organise PTMs four to five times in a year.i think the general concerns are on negative behaviour, develpmental delays,school problems etc.And the best way to slove this concerns are organishing PTMs frequently.

  23. We organize a Parent teachers meeting (PTM) once a month. We generally discuss the daily routine, habits of the children, the ways parents mingle with their kids and the duration. Yes, l, as a teacher suggests the parents to encourage their children and to enjoy the time with them.

  24. Parent -Teacher Meetings are a vital part on running a school enironment smoothly. The meeting is organised every two weeks interval that will be twice every month. many varied issues are discussed and tried to reach on a solution suported by everyone . Among the issues put forth are
    i. better learning environment for the students .
    ii.a peacefull and cooperating environment for both eacher and students
    iii. solution for better compliance towards finishing a certain task asigned to the students and possible help from the parents.


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